Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy - 1 Timothy 3:16: And without controversy great is the a mystery of godliness, God manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the Gentiles, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory.
The night before My death, you were on my mind.
I desired deeply to have a relationship with you,
to spend eternity with you in heaven.
Yet, sin separated you from Me and My Father.
An acceptable sacrifice of innocent blood was needed for the payment of your sins.
The hour had come when I was to die for you.
With heaviness of heart I went out to the garden to pray.
In agony of soul I sweat, as it were, drops of blood as I cried out to Him,
"Oh My Father, if it be possible,
let this cup pass from me:
nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."
~ Matthew 26:39.
While I was in the garden the soldiers came to arrest Me even though I was innocent of any crime.
They brought Me before Pilate's hall.
I stood before My accusers. Then Pilate took Me and scourged Me.
Lacerations cut deeply into My back as I took the beating for you.
Then the soldiers planted a crown of thorns upon My head and dressed Me in a purple robe.
Blood flowed down My face...
there is no beauty that you would desire Me.
Then the soldiers mocked Me,
saying, " Hail, King of the Jews!"
They brought Me before the cheering crowd,
shouting, "Crucify Him. Crucify Him," as I stood there silently, bloody, bruised and beaten.
Despised and rejected of men.
Pilate sought to release Me but gave in to the pressure of the crowd.
"Take ye Him, and crucify Him: for I find no fault in Him." He said to them.
Then he delivered Me to be crucified.
You were on my mind when I carried My cross
up the lonesome hill to Golgotha. It was My love for you, and to do My Father's will, that gave Me the strength to bear beneath its heavy load.
There, I bore your grief's and I carried your sorrows laying down My life for the sin of mankind.
The soldiers sneered giving heavy blows of the hammer driving the nails deeply into My hands and feet.
Love nailed your sins to the cross, never to be dealt with again.
They hoisted Me up and left Me to die.
Yet, they did not take My life.
I willingly gave it.
The sky grew black. Even the sun stopped shining.
My body wracked with excruciating pain
took the weight of your sin and bore it's punishment so that the wrath of God could be satisfied.
When all things were accomplished. I committed My spirit into My Father's hands,
and breathed out my final words," It is finished."
I bowed my head and gave up the ghost.
I Love you...
"Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his friends."
~ John 15:13
Dear Soul,
The Lord loves you!
What more could He do to prove His love to you
having given every ounce of His blood for the payment of your sins?
He desires to forgive you for every sin that you have ever committed.
He wants to have a personal relationship with you and spend eternity with you in heaven.
Today, if you would like to receive the gift of eternal life first you must believe in the Lord.
You have to ask for your sins to be forgiven
and put your trust in Him.
There's only one way to heaven and that's through the Lord Jesus.
That's God's wonderful plan of salvation - John 3:16-17.
You can have a relationship with Jesus Christ your Lord, by asking that He forgive you of all your sins, and come into your heart.
Believe and you shall receive sins redemption plan, salvation in Jesus Christ your Lord.
Just pray to God the Father, as He is always there to listen:
"Oh God, I am a sinner.
I am sorry for my sins.
I want to turn from my sin.
I receive Jesus Christ as my Savior;
I confess Him as my Lord.
From now on I want to follow Him.
In Jesus' name,
Author Source: Unknown.
Scripture Reference:
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." ~ Romans 10:13
"According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world..."~ Ephesians 1:4